Prayer to the Holy Family
To strengthen the sacred bonds of the family.
Heavenly Father, You created us, male and female, in your own image and likeness, thus giving us the human family as an icon of your own Trinitarian life. Pour forth your blessing upon all your sons and daughters.
Lord Jesus, only Son of the eternal Father, for our sake You came into our world as a member of the human family to help us understand the great dignity of marriage and family. You were obedient to Mary and Joseph as You grew in wisdom, age and grace. We implore You to help us fully appreciate the ways in which marriage and family are instruments of holiness, and assist us in living a life worthy of our calling. We pray that our families and our lives may image the life of your Holy Family.
Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life, You hovered over the water at the beginning of creation, You descended upon the womb of the Blessed Virgin and upon the Church at Pentecost, we beg You for an increase in your gifts and fruits. Strengthen us with the courage to live out the truth of marriage and family life in a world which is often hostile to its reality.
Holy Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, you fully consented to become mother of Jesus and the virginal spouse of Joseph. We ask your maternal intercession for all mothers and women as they seek to grow in the image of Jesus and submission to the Holy Spirit.
St. Joseph, Guardian of Jesus and Mary, strong and silent model of the fatherhood, which comes from above, we invoke your prayer for all fathers and men, and for the whole church of which you have been proclaimed heavenly protector.
Life-giving Trinity, we commend all marriages and families to your holiness. Amen!