Funeral Worship Aid Worksheet


1) Decide what you what on the front and back of the worship aid such as a picture, a cross, a poem, etc.

2) If you want a cross on the front and/or back please select a cross by CLICKING HERE and NOTE THE NUMBER(S) to be inserted below.  

3) PICTURES and POEMS for the front and/or back can be submitted to

4) Select the first and second readings from the Funeral Planning Book of Readings located under the Forms tab on Main Menu and NOTE THE NUMBERS to be inserted      below.

Funeral Worship Aid Worksheet

Pallbearers (Six people if casket, one if urn):

Presentation of the Offertory Gifts (2-4 People)(Optional):

Contact Person (for questions)

Thank you for your assistance in creating your Funeral Worship Aid. If you have any questions concerning the Funeral Worship Aid, please call, text or email Kelly. Thank you!


Or contact the Parish Office at 320.629.2935


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