Lector and Eucharistic Ministers Schedule


July & August, 2024

Date, Time   ~ Lector (L)
                      ~ Minister of Holy Communion (MHC)

Saturday, July 6 - 5pm  ~ Karen Wilcox (L & MHC)
                                        ~  Mary Kay Borgstrom (MHC) 
Sunday, July 7 - 10am ~ @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Sue Brytowski (L) 
                                        ~ Dan Welch (MHC)
                                        ~ Anna Miller (MHC)
                                        ~ Jamie Whipps (MHC)

Saturday, July 13 - 5pm  ~  Lois Anderson (L & MHC)
                                        ~  Lynette Forbes-Cardey (MHC) 
Sunday, July 14 - 10am ~  @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Kathy Wimmer (L) 
                                        ~ Kathy Wimmer (MHC)
                                        ~ Michelle Linnell (MHC)
                                        ~ Sheila Hughes (MHC)

Saturday, July 20 - 5pm  ~ Don Delak (L)
                                        ~  Karen Wilcox (MHC) 
                                        ~ Marlene Pixley (MHC)
Sunday, July 21 - 10am ~   @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Kelly Welch (L) 
                                        ~ Dan Deacon Mark (MHC)
                                        ~ Dan Welch (MHC)
                                        ~ Anna Miller (MHC)

Saturday, July 27 - 5pm  ~ Pat Waggoner (L & MHC)
                                        ~  Marlen Pixley (MHC) 
Sunday, July 23 - 10am ~  @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Sue Brytowski (L) 
                                        ~ Deacon Mark Pulkrabek (MHC)
                                        ~ Dennis Howard (MHC)
                                        ~ JoLynn Howard (MHC)

Fair Weekend - Sunday Masses at ICC

Sunday, August 4 - 8am  ~  @ ICC Chapel
Lois Anderson (L & MHC)
                                        ~  Marlene Pixley (MHC) 
Sunday, August 4 - 10am ~  @ ICC Chapel
                                        ~ Kelly Welch (L) 
                                        ~ Deacon Mark Pulkrabek (MHC)
                                        ~ Dan Welch (MHC)
                                        ~ Jamie Whipps (MHC)

Saturday, August 10 - 5pm  ~ Karen Wilcox (L & MHC)
                                        ~  Lynette Forbes-Cardey (MHC) 
Sunday, August 11 - 10am ~  @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Kathy Wimmer (L) 
                                        ~ Deacon Mark Pulkrabek (MHC)
                                        ~ Kathy Wimmer (MHC)
                                        ~ Dan Welch (MHC)

Saturday, August 17 - 5pm  ~ Don Delak (L)
                                        ~  Marlene Pixey (MHC)
                                        ~ Karen Wilcox (MHC) 
Sunday, August 18 - 10am ~  @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Deanna Jahnz (L) 
                                        ~ Deacon Mark Pulkrabek (MHC)
                                        ~ Deanna Jahnz (MHC)
                                        ~ Sheila Hughes (MHC)

Saturday, August 24 - 5pm  ~ Lynette Forbes-Cardey (L & MHC)
                                        ~   Pat Waggoner (MHC) 
Sunday, August 25 - 10am ~  @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Sue Brytowski (L) 
                                        ~ Deacon Mark Pulkrabek (MHC)
                                        ~ Beth Allen (MHC)
                                        ~ Jamie Whipps (MHC)

Labor Day Weekend

Saturday, August 31 - 5pm  ~ Mary Kay Borgstrom (L & MHC)
                                        ~  Marlene Pixley (MHC) 
Sunday, September 1 - 10am ~  @ St. Joseph's, Beroun
                                        ~ Andy Lieffort (L) 
                                        ~ Deacon Mark Pulkrabek (MHC)
                                        ~ Dennis Howard (MHC)
                                        ~ JoLynn Howard (MHC)


  1. If you cannot attend on the dates and times assigned, please find your own replacement.  It is important to be on time, fifteen minutes before Mass begins, so that we can coordinate any special arrangementswhen these are required. 
  2. LECTORS: Note that you do not bow to the Cross when carrying the Lectionary (Book of Readings) in procession to the Altar. Note also that the proclamation at the end of the Readings should be: THE WORD OF THE LORD! Remember that the microphone amplifies only what you give it!  Leave the Lectionary in the Lectern at the end of Mass.
  3. MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION:  Only the Body of Christ will be ministered at all the masses. Come up to the altar after Father has consumed the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You will receive the Body of Christ and then the Blood of Christ.  You will be given a ciborium. and will go to hte middle in front of the altar to distribute the Body of Christ with Father.  You will say "Body of Christ" an they will respond "Amen".  When distribution of the Most Holy Blood resumes, two Ministers of Holy Communion will be given the cup with a purifacator. You will wait for father (and the Deacon or minister of the Body of Christ) to go to the middle in front of the altar to distribute the Body of Christ.  At the same time one of you will go the the right and stand on the floor by the musicians and the other person to the left and stand by the floor by the statue of Mary. You will say: “The Blood of Christ“, and give them the cup. You will then take the cup and wipe it off with the purificator. If you run out of the Blood of Christ you will go to the altar and place your cup on the altar and wait for Father and the other Ministers of Holy Communion. You both then go back to your pews at the same time.  If there is any consecrated wine left in your cup, please go back to the altar and consume the remaining consecrated wine before you place the cup on the altar.Come up to the altar after Father has consumed the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You will receive the Body of Christ and then the Blood of Christ.  If there is no Deacon of the Mass there will be three minister of Holy Communion. Two will be given a cup and one a ciborium. The one with the ciborium will go to the middle in front of the altar to distribute the Body of Christ with Father.  Otherwise If there is a Deacon no minister of Holy Communion is needed.

Thank you and God Bless You!